Friday, May 05, 2006


There will be a rally tomorrow at NOON in front of the Brooklyn War Memorial to protest the closing of Plan B.

Bring your uncensored self and everyone you know!

Art supplies, body paint, music, balloons, bubbles, costumes, banners, sidewalk chalk, frisbees, etc... are all welcome.

D I R E C T I O N S:

195 Cadman Plaza West,
Brooklyn, NY
(btw Tillary & Prospect)

A/C to High St
2/3 to Clark St.

Google Map


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might see if anyone has a large photo of Michaelangelo's David and cover up the gtenitalia with a Parks Department logo...

3:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a cowardly decision dressed up as if it is some kind of victory. This should be completely unacceptable to the student artists. I am stunned at how quickly the administration at Brooklyn caved in and agreed to move the exhibit.

And since when does hiring Mayor Giuliani's PR staffer Colleen Roche constitute fighting back at this arbitrary and indefensible decision? Mayor Giuliani led the fight against the Brooklyn Museum when it dared exhibit something offensive.

Here is what the MFA students should ask the Brooklyn College administration:

1) Why was this decision made without consulting us?

2) What specific efforts were made to keep the show at its original location?

3) Did or did not CUNY's lawyers offer any advice or take any action that would have allowed the exhibit to remain at the memorial.

4) Did CUNY's Central Administration put any pressure on Brooklyn College to cave in so as not to offend conservative trustees?

5) In sum, other than hearsay and talk and a weasely standar PR statement, what specific evidence can Brooklyn College's administration provide that they did anything to make a clear stand for first amendment rights?

The statement issued can talk about freedom of expression from here to eternity. This is a standard bureaucratic technique. But look to their actions, not the lofty words.


And those who worked hard on the exhibit desrve to know why and what the course of evevnts were that led to this decision.

Disgusting and shameful.

Finally, I am not suggesting it would have been easy for Brooklyn College to fight Commisioner Speigel and others. A lot of political resources would be in play.

But part of what an adminsitration with principles does when such fundamental rights are challenged is take a deep breath and do the right thing. Instead what we got was the most anemic and short-lived fight for freedoim of expression I have ever seen.

No I have one more thing to say. I think the students involved should -- in the absence of some straight talk from the Brooklyn administratioin about why this was agreed to -- consider civil disobedience.

It is definitely more than a little weenieish for someone like me to suggest this when I cant be there to participate. Its just that I am dumbfounded at this almost instant toadying to power.

Guys, Ive been on the side that has the power! Nobody gives in this easily.

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you people always have to push your gay agenda? Less then 2% of the population is gay and you seem to think that the rest of us care about this disorder. What is next, Pedophile rights? I am worried about the tactics used by this movement, using discrimination laws as a smoke screen. Please stop.

7:13 AM  
Anonymous Byomervfx said...

Veryy nice blog you have here

7:00 AM  

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